Re: oracle portal - installation problem

From: Frank van Bortel <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 13:56:45 +0200
Message-ID: <e8b52$48340dfd$524b5c40$>

Shakespeare wrote:

> MOD_OC4J_0184 is an error (in the apache errorxxxxx.log) Failed to find an
> oc4j process for destination: OC4J_SECURITY
> This may be caused by having a wrong ORACLE_HOME setting, causing the wrong
> TNSNAMES to be used, caused by installing everything on the same server. Or
> by not configuring the Metadata repository for OID. Or..................
> Indeed: not enough detail to proceed.

Or simply a not running process? Due to whatever factor (the ones you already mentioned, plus password mismatch, OID not running)

FvB Received on Wed May 21 2008 - 06:56:45 CDT

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