Re: Restore and Rename a database from RMAN backupsets

From: Frank van Bortel <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:17:23 +0200
Message-ID: <7633c$482d4313$524b5c40$> wrote:

>> Why do you think you will be connecting to the prod db? Take a look at:

> Because in order for the DUPLICATE command to work you have to be
> connected to the TARGET database 'and' the AUXILLIARY database. This
> by definition means that you will connect to our production DB. The
> duplicate command will then recover the datafiles from the most recent
> RMAN backup and then attempt to apply redo up to the last archivelog
> that the production database has archived.

Not if you tell it not to. But it needs to know what backups actually exist, and those are in the control file of the... yup! original instance.
> I was interested in knowing if it was possible to achieve this
> "without" having to connect to the TARGET database at all.....(for
> example if the backup sets are available but connectivity between
> duplicate site and target site is not available).

Sure you can.

All you have to do is upgrade ( to 11G). You'll at least want to apply some patches...

FvB Received on Fri May 16 2008 - 03:17:23 CDT

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