Re: ora-1950 on import

From: StefanKapitza <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:09:51 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On May 15, 3:33 pm, Chuck <> wrote:
> What would cause this? I am exporting data from schema S1 in database
> D1, and importing into schema S2 in database D2. In S1, everything is in
> the USERS tablespace. I set up the default tablespace in S2 to be TS2,
> grant unlimited quota on TS2 and no quota on USERS. S2 btw is starting
> out empty. Out of 100 tables, 96 of them correctly loaded into
> tablespace TS2, however on 4 of them I got ora-1950 - no privileges on
> tablespace 'USERS'. Why?

4 Tables are different than the others (obvious answer).

IIRC blobs or lobs or something like that are showing this behaviour, Solution is to create the Tables in advance with the desired tablespace and do an import with ignore=yes.


s.kapitza Received on Thu May 15 2008 - 11:09:51 CDT

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