Re: Welcome back HJR
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:41:36 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On May 10, 9:41 am, hpuxrac <> wrote:
> On May 5, 2:47 am, wrote:
> snip
> > So, in even shorter form: there's still no change in my attitude or
> > stance towards 'the Oracle community'. So you lose your bet.
> If you actually read what I posted I noted that if anyone finds any
> relevant/useful material on your site they should probably save it
> immediately.
> What part are you not understanding exactly?
Er, that must be the part where you wrote, "Betting that it is just a matter of time before a forum appears again".
I'm saying that you lose your bet. Which part of your own post are you having difficulty understanding, exactly?
> > I'm amused that you should think any part of the Internet can be
> > 'counted on to be permanent', by the way. Why you would think my site
> > any different from any other in that respect, I have no idea.
> Perhaps you are not understanding why people often develop internet
> sites and put content on them.
You seem especially prone to asserting that others cannot understand things!
Fact is, I've been developing internet sites and putting content on them for just about 7 years now, so I think I understand the issues and motivations involved. But bucketloads of motivation and understanding still don't make ANY website "permanent". Mine is no different in that regard, which was the point being made originally.
> Take a look then at a site like Jeffrey Hunters
> ... yikes he actually keeps stuff out there long term doesn't yank it
> and/or switch ISP's as the mood fits his fancy.
I've never actually changed ISPs merely as the mood has taken me. I was hosted by someone in Brisbane for a year until the monthly bandwidth allowance kept running out; I switched to Lunarpages without interruption for over 2 years; when the site started consuming too much CPU, I was eventually hosted by Pythian for a year. I switched from them because I was finding 10Kb/sec download speeds too slow for the new range of screencapture videos I was beginning to produce.
I make that three major changes of ISP in four years by way of response to changing bandwidth, CPU and content needs. Not exactly the, 'Oh, it's Tuesday... time for a new ISP' that I think you're painting it as.
But I realise you're not one to let the facts get in the way of a good bit of mud-slinging.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey Hunter is at liberty to yank or not yank his own work as he sees fit. It's a freedom that I think you'll find extends to everyone else, too. Including me. Which is why I've exercised it in response to the actions of others. Received on Mon May 12 2008 - 17:41:36 CDT