Assessing Customer Satisfaction and Agile Project Management - PhD Dissertation
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:39:46 -0700 (PDT)
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Please distribute this email. This is a reminder. Data on both agile
and plan-driven projects are welcome.
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Donald Buresh, and I am a Ph.D. student at Northcentral University located in Prescott Valley, Arizona. The reason that I am writing to you is because I would like you to participate in an internet survey for my dissertation. The topic of my dissertation is assessing agile project management and customer satisfaction. The web site where you can find my survey is:
The questionnaire will ask you about a software development project that was recently completed within your organization. It will take you about 15 minutes to answer the questions. The questionnaire will ask you a series of questions about the project, including whether the software product was developed using agile-driven or plan-driven methods. If you do not know the answer, the questionnaire will ask you a series of three questions, and based on your responses, it is smart enough to decide what software methodology was employed. The questionnaire will then ask you other questions about the software development project. If at any time you decide not to participate in the survey, you need only exit the survey window, and your data will not be collected. When you have completed the survey, please press the appropriate button to submit your responses, and then close the survey window.
All of your responses will be anonymous and all of your data will be held in the strictest confidence. From your responses, it will not be possible to identify you or your organization. Since the data obtained from this questionnaire will be used in my doctoral dissertation, the results may possibly appear in an academic or trade publication. None of your responses will ever be revealed.
Thank you for considering to participate in this survey. If you do participate in the survey, and want to obtain a copy of my dissertation, please do not hesitate to respond to this email, and let me know. When the degree has been granted, and the dissertation has been accepted and published, I will be more than happy to send you an electronic copy. Again, thank you for your time.
Donald L. Buresh
3115 Enoch Avenue
Zion, IL 60099
Home Tele: 847-872-1659
Received on Mon Apr 28 2008 - 13:39:46 CDT