Re: question about process column in v$session
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:03:37 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Apr 24, 6:01 am, wrote:
> Hello
> Im trying to use the column 'process' in v$session but the information
> returned showed numbers in different formats and made me confused. Is
> there any documentation about how this data is formatted
> (hex,octal,...) for each platform? So far, what i most need now is to
> make a correlation between a script being ran on sqlplus and the
> oracle process serving it. (the sqlplus process is executed by a cron
> schedulle in the same server where SRDBMS is running - AIX )
> Here's a sample of a snapshot from v$session having some pids in a
> strange format
> 3708:2240
> 3140:2432
> 2272:2452
> 3776:3028
> 3712:3308
> 1412:2544
> 4735492
> 3268:1564
> 1412:2560
> 2560:116
> 3140:2432
> 860:3016
> 488:4048
> 7052:2016
> 3688:956
> 2200:2092
> 4444398
> 1392:3672
> Thanks
The process column contains the process id of the *clients* sessions. Please select the machine column also, and you will notice [0-9]*: [0-9]* id's come from Winblows systems.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Thu Apr 24 2008 - 07:03:37 CDT