Re: 11g oem hogs cpu Win SP SP2 2GB Storage

From: joel garry <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:34:19 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 20, 3:40 pm, "Lanying & Manfred Chen-Fischer" <man..._at_t-> wrote:
> After installing Oracle 11g R1 EE Win XP SP 2 computer 2GB storage 11g oem
> hogs cpu 100%
> 1. When stopping oem (emctl stop dbconsole) all is fine, after starting oem
> (emctl start dbconsole) same situation.
> 2. I've registered the database (alter system register database;)
> 3. I only installed the Oracle software + sample db without any additional
> option
> Any idea? Any good suggestion, what went wrong during a normal installation
> without any additional option selected by the installing administrator?
> Please help

I have no idea, but I'll take a wild guess. I notice in the release notes (Note:457442.1) that password case is now important. So my guess is, you have a password case issue. So, check the EM logs to see if it is trying and failing to log in, and look for the init.ora parameter to set the case checking to the old way.


-- is bogus.
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Received on Mon Apr 21 2008 - 11:34:19 CDT

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