Re: Best way to drop contents of a tablespace?
From: Noons <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:31:22 +1000
Message-ID: <fue2sd$seg$>
>>> On Apr 19, 10:59 am, Pat <> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 19, 8:57 am, "" <> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 19, 10:06 am, Pat <> wrote:
>>>>>> I need to write a script that will log into a server as a user and
>>>>>> delete the contents of that user's default tablespace. It'd be easy to
>>>>>> write a script to drop and recreate the tablespace, but the UID I
>>>>>> isn't supposed to leave his tablespace, hence I just want to "reset"
>>>>>> it by clearing everything out.
>>>>>> The good news is there's nothing unusual in the tablespace, just a
>>>>>> bunch of tables and indexes e.g. no stored procedures, materialized
>>>>>> views, etc.
>>>>>> My first, naive approach was:
>>>>>> Select table_name from all_tables where owner = <this user> and
>>>>>> dropped = no
>>>>>> for each table
>>>>>> drop table <table>
>>>>>> Problem I'm running into is that tablespace in question has 500 or so
>>>>>> tables (and probably 1500 or so index in it) and my script will run
>>>>>> for a while, happily deleting stuff, until at some point I'll get:
>>>>>> ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
>>>>>> ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint
>>>>>> And my script will abort.
>>>>>> If I keep running the script, I can "nibble" away at teh database and
>>>>>> drop, say, 100 tables per run and by the 5th or 6th run I'll have
>>>>>> dropped 'em all, but that doesn't strike me as a good approach. Plus I
>>>>>> want to know what's going on here since I don't like messing with
>>>>>> stuff I don't understand.
>>>>>> Does anybody know why a drop table would give errors like that? Is
>>>>>> this Oracles way of telling me I have open cursors against it or
>>>>>> something (maybe from another session)?
>>>>>> Alternately, is there a better way to clear out a tablespace w/o
>>>>>> actually destroying and recreating it?
>>>>> You should probably consider dropping the user cascade then recreating
>>>>> the account, which would probably be much less of a pain than your
>>>>> current attempt. You should have scripts to create the users to begin
>>>>> with, so a ' drop user ... cascade;' shouldn't be an issue.
>>>>> David Fitzjarrell
>>>> If I'm connecting as that user, can I drop myself? I kind of assumed I
>>>> needed to keep the UID intact since that's who I was logged in as?- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>> The goal here is to make this as painless as possible. You can't be
>>> connected as the user you should be dropping, thus you should be
>>> connecting as SYS, SYSTEM or another DBA-privileged account, drop the
>>> user cascade then recreate the account. I presumed that fact would be
>>> evident from the advice given; obviously I was wrong.
>>> David Fitzjarrell
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:31:22 +1000
Message-ID: <fue2sd$seg$>
Arch wrote,on my timestamp of 20/04/2008 8:26 AM:
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:31:08 -0700 (PDT), Pat > <> wrote: > >> On Apr 19, 2:14 pm, "" <> wrote:
>>> On Apr 19, 10:59 am, Pat <> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 19, 8:57 am, "" <> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 19, 10:06 am, Pat <> wrote:
>>>>>> I need to write a script that will log into a server as a user and
>>>>>> delete the contents of that user's default tablespace. It'd be easy to
>>>>>> write a script to drop and recreate the tablespace, but the UID I
>>>>>> isn't supposed to leave his tablespace, hence I just want to "reset"
>>>>>> it by clearing everything out.
>>>>>> The good news is there's nothing unusual in the tablespace, just a
>>>>>> bunch of tables and indexes e.g. no stored procedures, materialized
>>>>>> views, etc.
>>>>>> My first, naive approach was:
>>>>>> Select table_name from all_tables where owner = <this user> and
>>>>>> dropped = no
>>>>>> for each table
>>>>>> drop table <table>
>>>>>> Problem I'm running into is that tablespace in question has 500 or so
>>>>>> tables (and probably 1500 or so index in it) and my script will run
>>>>>> for a while, happily deleting stuff, until at some point I'll get:
>>>>>> ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
>>>>>> ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint
>>>>>> And my script will abort.
>>>>>> If I keep running the script, I can "nibble" away at teh database and
>>>>>> drop, say, 100 tables per run and by the 5th or 6th run I'll have
>>>>>> dropped 'em all, but that doesn't strike me as a good approach. Plus I
>>>>>> want to know what's going on here since I don't like messing with
>>>>>> stuff I don't understand.
>>>>>> Does anybody know why a drop table would give errors like that? Is
>>>>>> this Oracles way of telling me I have open cursors against it or
>>>>>> something (maybe from another session)?
>>>>>> Alternately, is there a better way to clear out a tablespace w/o
>>>>>> actually destroying and recreating it?
>>>>> You should probably consider dropping the user cascade then recreating
>>>>> the account, which would probably be much less of a pain than your
>>>>> current attempt. You should have scripts to create the users to begin
>>>>> with, so a ' drop user ... cascade;' shouldn't be an issue.
>>>>> David Fitzjarrell
>>>> If I'm connecting as that user, can I drop myself? I kind of assumed I
>>>> needed to keep the UID intact since that's who I was logged in as?- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>> The goal here is to make this as painless as possible. You can't be
>>> connected as the user you should be dropping, thus you should be
>>> connecting as SYS, SYSTEM or another DBA-privileged account, drop the
>>> user cascade then recreate the account. I presumed that fact would be
>>> evident from the advice given; obviously I was wrong.
>>> David Fitzjarrell
>> >> Any script I write has to run within an application. Said application >> is given one and only one account with access to only one tablespace. >> If I could count on having a DBA account I'd happily just drop and >> rebuild the tablespace. I don't though. What I have is a limited >> rights account with access to a single tablespace, which I'd like to >> clean out as painlessly and efficiently as possible. Frankly I don't >> care too much about efficiency either, just as long as any approach >> works consistently and correctly. >> >> I know plenty of ways to solve this problem with a more priveledged >> account, but that's precisely the problem I'm trying to avoid. Right >> now, anytime one of the developers needs to reset their test instance, >> they have to call me and I have to log in as a DBA account, drop, and >> rebuild their tablespace. I'd rather give them a piece of automation >> they can run themselves, with their limited rights account, that will >> clear out their tablespace so they can start over. Likewise, I don't >> want to give them dba because with that they could do a lot of harm. > > I don't think you are correctly using the term tablespace as it > relates to Oracle. I think you mean schema. In my opinion, the only > effective way to "clean out" a schema is, as suggested by Mr. > Fitzjarrell, is to drop and recreate the user. > > Nonetheless, if you wish to drop tables and views for a user, you > could probably utilize a simple script such as this: > > set heading off > set pagesize 0 > set feedback off > spool tablelist.sql > SELECT 'drop table ' || table_name || ';' FROM user_tables ; > SELECT 'drop view ' || view_name || ';' FROM user_views ; > spool off > @tablelist.sql > exit > > HTH, > Arch
Just in case tablespace is what was needed,
this script can be modified to go to
user_segments instead of user_tables
and user_views. Something along these lines
(test it first!):
SELECT 'drop '||segment_type||' '||segment_name||';'
FROM user_segments
WHERE tablespace_name = upper('<tablespace_name_wanted')
AND object_type != 'INDEX';
Received on Sat Apr 19 2008 - 19:31:22 CDT