is isqlplus completely gone in 11g or what exactly?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:17:28 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
In the 11g New Features for Admin class I attended 2 weeks ago, the
instructor specifically noted that isqlplus is still available in 11g.
He explained that it is no longer installed by default but that you can do a custom install and get it operating in 11g. He rambled on about some of the security exposures that the product opens up and offered a viewpoint that the increased attention to security had caused this change in configuration.
Well I am starting to think that the instructor made this up? I don't see it available to install anywhere doing a custom install.
Maybe it is available on the companion cd/dvd ( now called examples I think ) but doing a search of the 11g doc as well as metalink ... makes me think this is probably unlikely.
Ideas anyone? Did this guy teaching the class just get this completely wrong? Maybe it was available for a while as described in some of the beta's?
Trying to get developers more used to SQL Developer but there's some issues there ( such as not everyone running similar enough base operating systems to get most recent versions operating ... etc ). Nothing wrong with Toad except well the price compared to SQL Developer. Received on Thu Apr 17 2008 - 14:17:28 CDT