Re: How to move Oracle Express 10 database form one machine to another one.
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:28:04 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Amber schrieb:
> On Apr 17, 2:57 pm, Mladen Gogala <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:19:54 -0700, Amber wrote: >>> It seems the backup and restore method does not work. >> Have you tried bioenery methods or just beaming the database up? >> >> -- >> Mladen Gogala
> I am sorry for my poor english and little exprence about oracle, can
> you expain it clearly.
In general backup and restore of Oracle databases (for all editions i am
aware of - including Oracle XE) works pretty well, including the
scenario of restore to different host. The process itself is well
documented and can be looked up here
Even the installation of Oracle XE includes restore of rman backup made
on the different hosts as one of the final steps.
If it doesn't work in your particular scenario, then your original remark
>>> It seems the backup and restore method does not work.
can't be considered as professional problem description - nobody here
can/will guess, what could you have done wrong. It means, to get some
valueable advice, you need to provide detailed explanation, how you made
backup, how you made recovery and what exactly seems not to work. If you
would compare your actions with actions described in the documentation,
it is very likely, you discover yourself, what you did wrong. If not -
and recovery is still not working - then it is very likely, you'll see
some errors propagated by oracle - either in the output from rman or in
alert.log of your databases or in some other trace files. In that case
investigation of those errors may be very helpful as well - they usually
have some identifiers (like ORA-12560) which can be looked up again in
the Oracle documentation
After reading of error description often one can understand, what is
going wrong, if it doesn't help - you still can post them here and maybe
somebody can help you.
Best regards
Maxim Received on Thu Apr 17 2008 - 03:28:04 CDT