Re: Best practice on windows

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:45:58 GMT
Message-ID: <W5nLj.4088$bQ1.345@trndny09>

"Michael Schmarck" <> wrote in message
> gazzag <> wrote:
>> On 10 Apr, 12:16, Michael Schmarck <> wrote:
>>> Possible answer: Corporate requirements (if OS == Windows, then AV).
>>> Michael
>> I'm hoping that that's a joke. It's not a requirement. Even on
>> Windows.
> It could be a requirement. Back at a former company where I worked, there
> was such a requirement.
> Michael

We had a customer where it was a requirement. It caused huge performance problems. Imagine it would scan the data file everytime the data file changed. Finally we got them to exclude all the files in the Oracle home. Voila! performance inproved dramatically. Jim Received on Thu Apr 10 2008 - 06:45:58 CDT

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