Re: Oracle memory allocation on Linux 2.6

From: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 23:11:36 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On 2 avr, 22:14, wrote:
> On 2 avr, 20:10, joel garry <> wrote:
> > Of course, I don't know anything in depth about this, but Wim
> > Coekaerts is the director of linux engineering, and he mentions in
> > Note:261889.1 that O10 uses the hugetbl pool preallocated unpageable
> > by default, but you have to ask for a patch for 9i. Now, if you are
> Thanks Joel. I'll have a thorough look at that tomorrow.

This important setting is mentioned in the RAC installation guide for Linux. Something the guy who installed our cluster seems to have overlooked or deemed unuseful... (It's not a prereq but rather a suggestion in the guide.)

It's also surprising that, in addition to the RAC install guide, hugetbl is mentioned in the Linux database admin guide only (and not in the database install guide.)

Thanks again Joel for pointed that out.

Jerome Received on Sat Apr 05 2008 - 01:11:36 CDT

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