materialized view "build deferred" based on a view

From: steph <>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 07:33:21 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>


I've got a materialized view based on a view:

create materialized view mv_pra_ret_bcret_view build deferred refresh complete
as select * from V_PRA_RET

(The view serves as a kind of template view - in fact 3 materialized views are based on this template view - just in case somebody might ask, why this is so)

As can be seen from the statement above the materialized view is created as "build deferred" - which would mean with my basic understanding that the materialized view is not populated when created and therefore is stale.

Furthermore I would expect that this command returns immediately. But this is not the case. It seems to take as long to create the matereialized view as "build deferred" as it takes to query the template view (which is unfortunately not performing very well). Why is this so?

stephan Received on Wed Apr 02 2008 - 09:33:21 CDT

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