Re: testing memory parameters

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:50:24 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 18, 4:24 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:


> >> Because, in DB2, you don't have sufficient instrumentation to look
> >> inside and see what is happening.
> > Ah, Daniel, you never fail to live up to my expectation of taking a
> > cheap shot wherever you can. What would you know about DB2's state of
> > perf tuning tools...
> > But I digress. I got the answers I needed.
> > Thanks Ana
> > Serge
> Perhaps I was wrong ... please provide me the link to the DB2 equivalent
> to ASH, AWR, and the wait interface.

Why don't you take some time and read the DB2 documentation?

Probably you can start with some searches on google ... let's see there is the DB2 Technical Library, IBM Redbooks, stuff like the DB2 Tuning Database Performance manual ... etc. Doing a little legwork might be good for you.

Of course Oracle offers free access to all the stuff like ASH, AWR, and the wait interface thru OEM or Grid Control ... well at least if you pay extra licensing fee's for the options packs and enterprise edition.

Wonder if many oracle customer's skip paying for these options and use 3rd party tools like Quest or BMC etc? Wonder if any other 3rd parties do the same thing for DB2 ... why surprise I guess they do!

Looks like you have a bunch of homework to do! Received on Tue Mar 18 2008 - 17:50:24 CDT

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