Re: consolidation of multiple rows

From: Jerry Stuckle <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:02:54 -0500
Message-ID: <>

DA Morgan wrote:
> Alex Kuznetsov wrote:
>> Strange. In our trade most great people are largely self taught in the
>> areas they are great in - the industry is new, and people are coming
>> up with innovations all the time.
> Innovations all the time ... yes. Innovations all the time in medicine
> too.
> But "new"? I would disagree.
> Alan Turing, widely considered the father of computer science, died in
> 1954. In 1969 I was writing Fortran on IBM mainframes and we aren't
> talking bread-boards by any stretch of the imagination.
> So unless you are well into your 70s or above computers have been
> widely available (not PCs I'll grant) your entire lifetime.
>> Linus Torvalds came up with lots of really cool stuff when he wasn't
>> even a Master. Sergey Brin and Larry Page do have PhDs, and they came
>> up themselves with what makes them great.
> Not to take anything away from Linus as I am a proud user of Linux
> but I think you exaggerate just a bit. By that standard we would have
> to credit Bill Gates for his great work with Basic. And the google
> crowd ... I don't want to start an off-topic flame war here but like
> Gates I am more impressed with their ability to market than code.
>> Returning to normalization, it is not a very complex theory. When I
>> was getting my education, it did not exist yet, but if it did, it
>> would be taught in my first year, and it would be an easy course. In a
>> top notch university you have to learn a lot of more advanced math to
>> get your Master's degree. More to the point, for me as a development
>> lead, as well as for many DBAs, normalization is just one of many
>> challenges, and a relatively easy one to put it mildly.
>> Memorizing last names has nothing to do with the ability to administer
>> databases. Names of inventors are forgotten and or omitted all the
>> time. This is especially true for foreign names. Consider periodic
>> table of the chemical elements - it is being taught in American
>> schools, but the Russian name of its inventor is rarely mentioned.
>> Similarly, names of inventors on Normal Forms may be omitted of
>> forgotten, especially in other countries, and that is OK just as well.
> Teaching at university I hear this argument all the time ... from
> those who haven't a degree. I'll grant you don't seem to be part of
> that crowd ... but I'll still respectfully disagree.

Yes, universities always were good at teaching irrelevant information and then testing on it.

Try doing like I do - teach C, C++, Java, etc. in one week. That's 5 straight days, 7.5 - 8.0 hours per day, no homework. And at the end have students who can write code.

> I've no doubt someone could, in theory, be a physics genius without
> knowing the names Newton and Einstein. But I suspect you will agree
> that the chances are about the same as winning the lottery.

Of course. Knowing who Einstein or Newton were has nothing to do with learning physics.

> I am not impressed by arguments that go "well it is true for everyone
> else but it doesn't relate to us."

I'm not at all impressed by your arguments.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
Received on Mon Mar 10 2008 - 10:02:54 CDT

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