Re: consolidation of multiple rows
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:51:57 +0100
Message-ID: <>
On Sat, 8 Mar 2008 07:18:40 -0000, "Tony Rogerson"
<> wrote:
>"Kees Nuyt" <> wrote in message
>> Joe Celko's books are interesting, but they deserve a
>> better editor.
>They deserve a bin more like.
>And as to the content being his originally, why do you think he hangs out in
>the news groups so much?
Yes, he bundles solutions from a lot of other people,
and compares their pros and cons.
That saves me a lot of time and effort of digging in
archives. Much in the same way a historian can spend
several years in archives and present the results in a
concise way I can digest in a few days or weeks. That
deserves some credit.
>At least in one of the google PDF sample chapters (I won't waste money) he
>credits a number of folk - suprisingly they are all on the SQL Server
Of course I can't be sure he always credits the authors
of all solutions, but there are lots of credits in the
books I read.
Not all solutions are ideal, there's more than one road
to Rome. But the discussion helps me to choose or
discard the ones that wouldn't work for me and find a
better approach.
The texts are sloppy sometimes. E.g. he more than once cuts and pastes one example to another and forgets to apply the required adjustments. In that respect books from other authors are often better.
-- ( Kees ) c[_] Help beautify our dumps. Throw away something pretty. (#169)Received on Sat Mar 08 2008 - 05:51:57 CST