Question on Insert Trigger

From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:48:46 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

I am using on HP UNIX 11i.

I have a third party application where I do not have access to code. When rows are inserted in a table, I do not want certain rows to be inserted . Rest of the rows should be inserted. Is it is possible to do this using a trigger.

I wrote a trigger like following. This trigger is for illustrative purposes; conditions for filtering are more complex.

create or replace trigger emp_aftins
after INSERT ON employee
for each row

BEGIN if ( is null) then

   dbms_output.put_line(:new.wwid || 'name' ||;    rollback;

end if;


I was hoping that when I do rollback that row will not be inserted. I found that
Dbms_output before rollback is exceuted, then rollback is exceuted, yet row is being inserted.

If I try to delete a row instead of rollback, I get mutating table error.

Appreciate any help.

Thanks a lot. Received on Thu Mar 06 2008 - 15:48:46 CST

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