Re: How to design schema for time information
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:46:21 -0500
Message-ID: <jlUzj.12513$>
Jason wrote:
> I am wondering if there is a better way to define a column to store
> time information.
> I need to create new table to represent store's open and close time
> for every weekday. i.e.
> create table storehours(MondayOpen time,
> MondayClose time,
> TuesdayOpen time,
> ....
> FridayOpen time,
> FridayClose time)
> But I just realized that Oracle doesn't have the TIME data type. And
> the DATE and TIMESTEMP don't seem to help in this situation. So an
> alternative could be:
> create table storehours(MondayOpen integer,
> MondayClose integer,
> TuesdayOpen integer,
> ....
> FridayOpen integer,
> FridayClose integer)
> But I don't like it because it is difficult to understand or use.
Don't use integers.
Use a DATE datatype. Ignore the month/day/year part of the data and just use hours minutes and (possibly) seconds.
One common trick is to use the week of Jan 1 1900 which started on Monday. That way you have the day of the week embeded in the data.
create table storehours (open DATE, close DATE)
insert into storehours (open,close) VALUES ( to_date('01/01/1900 08:00am', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'), to_date('01/01/1900 08:00pm', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'));
insert into storehours (open,close) VALUES ( to_date('01/02/1900 08:00am', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'), to_date('01/02/1900 08:00pm', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'));
insert into storehours (open,close) VALUES ( to_date('01/03/1900 08:00am', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'), to_date('01/03/1900 08:00pm', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:miam'));
This way you can do queries like:
SELECT to_char(open, 'DAY hh:miam'), to_char(close, 'DAY hh:miam')
from storehours;
The above assumes that you only want to represent the hours once and have it apply to every week.
//Walt Received on Thu Mar 06 2008 - 09:46:21 CST