Re: Create file system on a shared disk

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:28:13 -0800
Message-ID: <> wrote:
>> No: One big LUN is a bottleneck.
>> --
>> Daniel A. Morgan
>> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
>> University of Washington
>> (replace x with u to respond)
>> Puget Sound Oracle Users

> Say we all our disks are 146G.  If we have big LUN, we spread the file
> into more disks, it should have advantage in terms of performance,
> will it?

It should have an advantage over not striping but it is far from optimal and will be slower than had it been done correctly with multiple LUNS.

Forcing traffic to and from your datafiles to compete with traffic to and from the undo tablespace, the FRA, etc. is far from optimal.

Daniel A. Morgan
Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Fri Feb 22 2008 - 23:28:13 CST

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