Re: How to optimize server for cartesian join? RESULSTS

From: Charles Hooper <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:47:36 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 22, 1:12 pm, "Jack" <> wrote:
> > We have business need to do some countings.
> > It is using  MERGE JOIN [CARTESIAN], it will go fast with 10.000 count,
> > but
> > with 200.000 end sum it will take very long time.
> > It is using Reports 6i (a bit old;)
> > It does utilize very complez views etc, and plan is long as you would
> > assume.
> > I am not going to send plan.
> > One solution would be redesing it, but not quite sure it would help.
> > Server is (multi prosessor, quite good one), parameters are now
> > very small, and
> > not optimized.
> > Is there some good parameters in server side which could help?
> "Doug Miller" <> kirjoitti
> viestissä:laosj.115$
> > In article <Kneoj.40$>, "Jack" <>
> > wrote:
> >>We have business need to do some countings.
> >>It is using  MERGE JOIN [CARTESIAN], it will go fast with 10.000 count,
> >>but
> >>with 200.000 end sum it will take very long time.
> >>It is using Reports 6i (a bit old;)
> > The only way to truly "optimize" a Cartesian join is to eliminate it, by
> > creating an index for at least one of the tables, on the column(s) used in
> > the join.
> Hi
> Thanks Doug for your advice.
> It does have good indexes. (but not in remarksfield ;)
> Now after some basic parameter changes it is running 3,3x faster.
> It does not like more memory or paraller query.
> Any good advices, what next?

Merge Join Cartesian/Sort Merge Joins are typically best used when one of the two data sources contains a very small number of rows (1, 2, 3, etc.). Think of it this way, if the first data source has 100 rows, and the second also has 100 rows, a merge join Cartesian will create a resultset with 100 * 100 = 10,000 rows, and then filter out the rows that should not be in the resultset which is to be returned to the client. A nested loop join or hash join works more efficiently in most cases.

How long has it been since you ran DBMS_STATS to gather the table and index stats? Can you provide a copy of your initialization parameters? Also, post the DBMS_Xplan for the query.

Charles Hooper
IT Manager/Oracle DBA
K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc. Received on Fri Feb 22 2008 - 13:47:36 CST

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