Re: ORA-12170: TNS;Connect time out occurred with Oracle v10.2.0.2 on OpenVMS

From: jpzhai <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:30:54 +0800
Message-ID: <fplq7i$dir$> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just installed Oracle on my OpenVMS HP Integrity
> server.
> I used dbca to create a database. I could acces it via SQLplus, I
> imported data and added users.
> But then I rebooted, and now it does not work.
> I get and error ORA-12170 TNS:Connect time out occurred
> I have looked at my listener.ora file and tnsnames.ora file but can
> find no obvious reason for the timeout.
> I can start the listener and shutdown the listener with no problems.
> I would like to start Oracle automatically on boot up, and there does
> not seem to be an Oracle$ file.
> Any pointers to how to make it work would be appreciated?
> Thanks
> Andrew

please check the log in $ORACLE_HOME/network/logs Received on Fri Feb 22 2008 - 00:30:54 CST

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