Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:34:42 -0500
Message-ID: <>

DA Morgan wrote:

> DJH wrote:

>> I am writing a trigger to calculate the value of a column in a row in a
>> another table in processing the current trigger for a different table.
>> I need to make sure that the row in the other table is not updated by
>> other processes while I am processing this trigger.
>> How may I do that?
>> Also can you run a "select count(*) where .." on the current table you
>> are processing in the trigger without getting "mutating.. type errors."
>> I am using 10G.
>> I need to check the inventory of the item before I can let the order
>> through but also I need to check current order table to see if there are
>> any unprocessed orders that pre-reserved the same items from the
>> inventory.
>> So total available items in inventory will be Inventory Items -
>> Unprocessed Order PreReserved Items.
>> If available items are not there to process current order I have to
>> prevent it from going through. Meanwhile I cannot let anyone update
>> the Inventory until I finish inserting the order with its pre-reserved
>> items.
>> Thanks
> FROM second_table
> WHERE some_condition
> Read the docs before you do this so you fully understand what is happening.

Thanks DA but I get this error: Received on Sat Feb 16 2008 - 07:34:42 CST

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