Re: Help - customizing RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME sqlnet.ora file

From: joel garry <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:37:20 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 6, 8:10 pm, DriVE_mE_cRazY <> wrote:
> Hi i need a help in customizing RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME sqlnet.ora file
> We have a 11i  applications (115102) running on top of our
> DB.
> We need to preserve the customizations of sqlnet.ora file - so that it
> doesnt get regenerated while running autoconfig.
> - i have referred to customizing autoconfig environment note in
> metalink but im not able to get the idea how to customize it.
> I looked for the template file its using by $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/
> but that too resulted in some error like it could not
> process the file :(
> I grep header information to see if that file is there in $ORACLE_HOME/
> appsutil/template but im not able to locate the file ...
> $ grep -i header sqlnet.ora => #$Header: 115.50
> 2006/07/18 14:57:50 nsugguna ship $
> Please help me in customizing this file
> ---- CUSTOMIZATION i need to make in the sqlnet.ora file -----
> tcp.validnode_checking = YES
> tcp.excluded_nodes = ( node1, node1.hostname.domainname,IP addr )
> ---
> Please help me ...
> Thanks in advance.
> :)

I don't know anything about autoconfig, but generally, you just need to edit it, creating it if it doesn't exist.

find $ORACLE_HOME -name sqlnet.ora

If you only see one in a sample directory, create one in $ORACLE_HOME/ network/admin and edit away. The one in the sample directory is just lots of explanatory comments.


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Received on Thu Feb 07 2008 - 12:37:20 CST

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