Re: Oracle Internet Directory, Integration Server

From: Mattias <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:05:30 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

I thought that the dip-server was not going to be nessesary in this case since it is an EXPORT. As I understand it, the DIP-server only lissens for changes in a remot directory so it can trigger the import. But this is a EXPORT only synchonization profile from OID to a LDIFfile.

I give the command:

# oidctl connect=mm server=odisrv instance=2 config=1
flags="port=3060" status

And the result shows that oidmon, oidldapd and odisrv are all active. OIDREPLD is not configurated.

I also tested the sampe profile for LDIF-export. I created an entry under dn: dc=mtldif02,dc=com as described in the mapping file :
# Sample file for mapping LDIF files to OID
# This file is for importing data from a LDIF file to OID
# All the entries in the LDIF file are within the domain
# Attributes are mapped one to one

uid: : :person:uid
cn: : :person:cn
sn: : :person:sn
birthday: : :organizationalperson
mail: : :inetOrgperson
employeenumber: : :inetOrgperson

c: : :country
ssn: : :person
sex: : :person

title: : :organizationalperson
postaladdress: : :person
telephonenumber: : :person
l: : :locality

I made changes to my entry, but nothing was exported. Not even a file created in the export directory. An status is allways NOT EXECUTED YET. Note also that the comment in this file must be wrong, this is a mapping file for OID to LDIF, not the other way around as stated in the comment.

So, to sum up, I still cant get my synchornization profile to start executing. Received on Fri Jan 25 2008 - 03:05:30 CST

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