Re: can someone please explain what this blog tagging this is all about?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 00:33:28 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
On Jan 14, 12:46 am, wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2:50 am, Frank van Bortel <>
> wrote:
> > hpuxrac wrote:
> > > As many times as HJR has changed things and ditched all of his old
> > > content there are still at times useful articles and postings out
> > > there.
> > > However it looks like now both the ( old site as of just a couple of
> > > weeks ago now ) and new and improved site are both offline and
> > > unavailable. There's some kind of message about oracle blog tag
> > > spamming?
> > > Sorry I just don't understand. There was a lot of excitement several
> > > years ago about oracle blogging but much of that excitement ( and
> > > quality of postings ) kind of has dropped off the ege of the world.
> > > I don't use any of the news readers ( whatever they are ) and/or
> > > aggregators ( whatever they are ) just have a couple of url's I check
> > > out from time to time ( limited ) as well as cdos.
> > > So any of the background info related to what is going on and why
> > > people might be taking websites and content offline would be
> > > appreciated.
> > > Thanks
> > Nope - I'm baffled. Both with Howard's behavior and with
> > this Oracle blog spamming - looks to me if you do not want
> > to be in, don't - a simple as 1-2-3.
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Frank van Bortel
> > Top-posting in UseNet newsgroups is one way to shut me up
> I must say it's this attitude I find bewildering.
> You're on a train, reading. Your neighbour is wearing an ipod. He
> decides to turn the volume up so that the sksshh-sksssh-sksssh of the
> beat disturbs you. You politely ask the person to turn their ipod
> down. They refuse to do so, saying 'it ain't that loud, mister. What's
> your problem?'
> So much for hypotheticals. Let's consider real blog aggregators. Blog
> aggregators take feeds from many people's blogs. Visiting one site
> lets you see the totality of what's going on in the Oracle 'blogging
> community' with one quick overview. Very useful, very functional.
> Unfortunately, aggregating things together means that what for an
> individual blogger is one trivial little post gets aggregated together
> with everyone else's trivial little posts and suddenly it's not a
> trivial little problem any more. Suddenly, there's a mountain of
> collected posts generated by this "game", driving out almost any other
> information.
> Blog aggregators work by showing new posts at the top of the page. As
> new posts arrive, old posts get shunted downwards... until they fall
> off the page altogether. Because of the sudden influx of '8 things'
> posts (shorthand for the blog tagging pyramid scheme's posts), one of
> my blog posts went onto the front page of OraNA and disappeared off it
> in slightly over twelve minutes. If it happens to my posts, it happens
> to others' too. So now OraNA isn't a great overview of what's
> happening in the Oracle blogging, but is instead swamped with 'me-too'
> posts from people who have chosen to participate in the pyramid scheme
> known as blog tagging.
> That is a loss of functionality. It is inconvenient to me. It is
> disruptive to me. If it is inconvenient to me and causing me
> disruption, I am fairly confident that it will be inconvenient and
> disrupting to others. Lots of others. But maybe not you.
> So I wrote to about 4 or 5 of the people who had 'passed it on', each
> to about 8 others, to ask them would they mind contacting their 8 and
> asking *them* not to pass the thing on further as it was damaging the
> aggregation functionality. One of them replied that it was his blog
> and he'd do what he liked. Besides, the people running the blog
> aggregators were 'skimming' his work, probably to their financial
> advantage not his. Another replied that as he didn't use OraNA
> himself, it didn't seem like much of a problem. The others didn't
> respond at all.
> So I blogged about it, simply pointing out that if things went
> according to the quite open plans of the devisor of the tagging
> "game", by round 4, there would 4096 me-too '8 things' posts. I didn't
> demand anything. I didn't call anyone anything. I simply pointed out
> the maths and asked whether people would please stop 'passing it on':
> by all means post 8 personal things about yourself, but don't
> encourage 8 others to do the same, on and on, because to do so would
> be to cause damage to the aggregators. For this I was accused by one
> of throwing my weight around ("When I signed up to my blog I didn't
> realise I had signed your terms and conditions"), another said simply
> that I was just being "grumpy" and a third simply said, "Chill dude,
> you'll have an aneurysm". As if this has anything to do with my
> emotional state or a desire to dictate to others!
> That is precisely the "it ain't loud, mister" response I would expect
> to have to put up with on the train, but had hoped I wouldn't have to
> put up with from members of a supposed "community" of bloggers.
> You tell me Frank: if I don't "want to be in" (which I don't), tell me
> how, simple as 1-2-3, I "don't". That's like saying, if you don't like
> the white noise coming from the earbuds of the guy sitting next to
> you, don't listen! But the fact of the matter is that the choices of
> others have impinged on the functionality of a website I use. Their
> actions have **taken away** my choice not to participate. Whether I
> like it or not, OraNA gets flooded with these posts, and I can't opt
> out of that.
> Oh, considerate members of the Oracle blogging community have said I
> could learn to use an RSS reader: you can filter those, after all. (As
> if I didn't know about RSS readers already!) Trouble is, how do I
> install an RSS reader on a SOE PC? Or on a friend's PC? Or on a PC to
> which I don't have rights to install anything? No problem: Firefox has
> a reader built-in. Great... so what do I do if I don't use Firefox? Or
> my SOE PC dictates IE6 and nothing else?
> This is the "if you don't like the noise, mister, sit somewhere else"
> school of nuisance management. It's **my** fault for being there, and
> the solution is for **me** to move, even though the noise and buisance
> is being made by someone else! No thanks: all these workarounds assume
> too much and miss the "moral hazard" of making the victim take action
> to ameliorate the consequences of the actions of the perpetrators.
> I thought of starting my own blog tagging game. I'd start with a post
> that went something like this: "Post 8 personal things about yourself
> and pass this note onto 8 other people. Bill Gates will donate $1 for
> every time this note is passed on to another group of 8 people". What
> would happen then, Frank, do you think? This, too, would be seen as an
> innocent bit of fun? A game to enjoy, nothing to worry about? I don't
> think so. When you get those sorts of posts in your inbox, you call it
> spam. The Oracle community has just indulged in a giant bit of
> spamming. I'm told by Tim Hall that it's not spam at all because it's
> not written by anonymous commentators on a blog but by the blog
> authors themselves. I'm supposed to believe this makes it alright, but
> to me, it makes it much worse.
> So what about my behaviour don't you understand, Frank? If I find
> train travel noxious, abhorrent, noisy and unpleasant because of the
> behaviour of my fellow, but inconsiderate, passengers, would you be
> surprised if I started driving in to work? I find what has happened
> pretty unpleasant. I find the attitude of those involved in what you
> quite correctly call 'blog spamming' abhorrent. I simply don't see why
> I should, or should be expected to, continue to make my work available
> to such a community. That's unfortunate for the many who haven't
> engaged in this round of spamming, but then perhaps those people
> should make their voice heard. Passive acquiesence in the vandalism
> perpetrated by a few gets you a slum with no nice amenities, after
> all.
> I have been told my action is disproportionate, but the people saying
> that don't (it seems to me) appear to appreciate the scale of what has
> just gone on here. Like you, they shrug and say, 'don't like it, don't
> read it'. To them, it's trivial, so my response seems completely way
> off beam. But I see a site has been vandalised and a mode of behaviour
> condoned which, in any other context you care to mention, would be
> condemned as a pyramid scheme, spam, a virus, a distributed denial of
> service attack -call it what you will, but those involved with the
> Internet generally do not take kindly to things which propagate
> exponentially with a seemingly benign payload.
> I won't make my material available to a community that thinks
> generating and encouraging exponential traffic growth is a game and
> that so long as it doesn't affect them personally, it can't be that
> important. Simple as that.
Personally i don't like very much the the chain game, i find it a
little bit childish.
On the other hand we can't think that blog's are only a way to publish
technical content.
As John i don't use news readers, i prefer to have some saved URL that
i regularly
check. I know that's not so good.
I've to say that most important bloggers (to me) as Kevin Closson, Tom
Kyte, Jonathan Lewis
did'n played "8-thing" game. Those who has played wanted to have more
on their website or blog.
i'm afraid that dizwell site is not available, i hope that this game
will end
Cristian Cudizio
Received on Mon Jan 14 2008 - 02:33:28 CST