Re: windows 2003 srv r2 sp2 and oracle 10g

From: Phil Davidson <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:17:53 -0800
Message-ID: <>

(Hello again, Mr. Hooper! You answered my question last Feb. 2007 about how to find out Oracle round trips. The subject was "How to count round trips from ADO via OraOLEDB to Oracle?")

Is there a way to find out which HTTP port is currently in use by the database control? The install/portlist.ini file lists the ports established at install time, but one of my ports isn't working anymore. The "status" option on the emctl program doesn't report ports. The displayConfig option on emca seems to apply only to clusters, but I'm not using any clusters.

More to the point, how can I find out why the HTTP port used by Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control is no longer working for one of the databases on this server?

  • Phil Davidson phil _at_ ivorycc _dot_ com phil _at_ phildavidson _dot_ com

In, "Charles Hooper" <> wrote:


In addition to the suggestions provided by Sybrand, make certain that you are attempting to access the Enterprise Manager Database Control web interface with the correct port number - each database on the same server will have a different port number.

Received on Mon Jan 07 2008 - 12:17:53 CST

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