Re: A question about interpreting 10046 event trace file

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 16:24:56 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 6, 7:47�am, Charles Hooper <> wrote:


> > I need help to understand and interpret the output of 10046 trace file
> > (with level 8 ). The problem that we are trying to solve is that: in a
> > batch process where thousands of inserts are being done, at some point
> > application hangs - more correctly, transaction time out occurs. The
> > developers say that: it is the because soemthing happening at the
> > database level and we are analyzing that issue, for that this is a
> > portion of the trace file:

Application hangs and database time outs must be understood from the side of the application that is experiencing problems.

That being said, Cary Millsap has an excellent book "pretty much all about" how to use raw trace data and you should pick up and read "Optimizing Oracle Performance". Personally I recommend looking at the free utility orasrp which does a much better job ( imho ) than tkprof at breaking out important info from a 10046 trace. Cary Millsap's company hotsos does sell a commercial version of a resource profiler ( which is apparently very good ) but orasrp to me does all that is required.

Do you have any locking or latching issues when the application hangs are being experienced?

What kind of connection type is the application using?

What verison of oracle and running on what platform? Received on Sun Jan 06 2008 - 18:24:56 CST

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