Oracle 10g - db_recovery_file_dest and db_recovery_file_dest_size
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 22:40:37 -0800 (PST)
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Hello all,
I am trying to set up Oracle for Dataguard in 10g for a Physical standby and its working correctly. Now I have the following doubt :
When we create a database using dbca, the Flash database window allows
you to enter the place where you want this to happen and there is a
default size of 2048 MB . Now when I see the spfile, I see that the
following 2 parameters are set db_recovery_file_dest and
db_recovery_file_dest_size which is again fine. Now, when I try to
set up Archive log for these, by default it does :
and now I am very apprehensive about this space (2048MB) being
completely used up so quickly that no more archivals will take place.
I was also reading about this online and it says that :
The size of the flash recovery area at any one time is a function of:
* Copies of all datafiles
- Incremental backups
- Online redo logs
- Archived redo logs
- Flashback logs
- Current Controlfile
- Controlfile autobackups and SPFILEs
What do you think I should be doing ? Should I use separate locations for archived redo logs, online redo logs and backups using RMAN or do you think I should just try to increase the size from 2048MB to around 30 GB ?
Madhu M Received on Thu Jan 03 2008 - 00:40:37 CST