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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> MI5-Persecution: BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home (9970)
MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 13 November, 1998
If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This
If you have any questions or observations you would like to share with me, then you are very welcome to reply to my fax number 0171-681-1190. But please.... keep your response to one page if you can! I have had several people faxing my article back to me, including one MP faxing back twenty pages. I do not know if he had anything intelligent to say in his 20-page fax because I applied judicious use of the "Delete" key on my computer. Faxes over a page or two will be deleted without being read.
MI5 Resume Hostilities in Response to these Faxes
When I wrote last weeks "MI5 Persecution Update" I remarked how quiet my life had become. No longer! MI5 have restarted hostilities with a vengeance the past week, in response I believe to the faxes I have been sending to members of the House of Commons.
On Saturday 7 November I went to Clapham Picture House cinema to see the film "Antz" (a very enjoyable film). At the cinema, I was verbally assaulted by a group of teenagers with the words "still crazy", repeated about ten times. There was a film with that name showing at the cinema, but it was clear their abuse was directed at me. I do not look ill, so why would they pick on me? answer, the incident was set-up by the persecutors. One of the teenagers also said to another, "I don't know what we're laughing at".
The following day, Sunday 8/11/98, I was on my way to play squash when I was verbally assaulted by a youth who said "it was so funny", without the slightest trace of humour. What he meant by this phrase was that was funny, and they were trying to humiliate me. I have heard this phrase "it was so funny" used at me before many, many times over the last eight and half years.
Please Encourage Keith Hill MP to Help Me
I live in a bugged house, bugged both for audio and video. My movements are monitored by MI5. The Security Service have followed me to Canada, to Poland and the Continent, to the States. I cannot work anywhere, not in England, not in Canada, because MI5 will destroy whatever employment I am able to obtain. I have asked Keith Hill MP to help me, and he has refused.
The situation is intolerable. It is Mr Hills job to help me out of this mess. So, please, as I said in the last fax a week ago: Do not waste your time returning multiple copies of my faxes to my fax mailbox, as some of you have done. Instead;
Please encourage Keith Hill M.P. to help me.
I am sorry to be using this device to encourage Mr Hill to help, but I think eight and half years are quite enough and it is time something was done to bring this matter to a close.
MI5 Persecution : BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home
This week's topic is the quite extraordinary claim that BBC newscasters
such as Martyn Lewis and Michael Buerk have spied on my living room while
they read the news. I currently have an advert running for the next six
months in Private Eye's "Eye Say" column (at a cost of over #200) which
says,"MI5 Persecution - BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home"; the story of
my campaign in the Eye is on my Website
BBCs staff magazine Ariel also ran my advert "BBC Newsreaders Spying on my home" for one issue in the Personal category on 8/July/1997 before it was spotted and axed by editor Robin Reynolds; please see webpage;
The very first incident in the "MI5/BBC Persecution" occurred in June of
1990, when a newsreader reacted to what she saw in my living room at home
as she read the news. My mother had brought an apple for me into the room,
whereupon the newsreader smirked and giggled, apparently finding this
funny. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I carried on watching news
and other television programmes to see if presenters would show signs of
"interactive watching"; to my surprise, this happened again and
again. Unfortunately, I did not have my wits sufficiently about me to
videotape these programmes, and it is now almost impossible to obtain
recordings dating back to 1990.
Most of the "TV watching" has occurred on the news, and most of it in summer 1990, although some as late as autumn 1993. My website has a few extracts of what might be politicians "getting at" me, in particular John Major and interviewer Dimbleby sharing a joke about the "Knutsford Guardian" which is almost certainly about me.
I sold my portable TV in autumn 1990 and stopped watching television regularly. I realise now that this may have been a mistake. What I should have done was to watch TV and listen to the radio, but tape-record everything and make a note of what each excerpt meant to me. I would then be in a much stronger position as regards to evidence that I am now. That is what I am trying to do now, but unsurprisingly the TV/radio presenters have stopped getting at me, now they know they are being recorded.
Examples of Media Harassment
Here are a few examples which I can still remember of media harassment;
In early 1992 I was watching the BBC news with Martyn Lewis on a small black-and-white portable television at my then home in Oxford. I threw a term of abuse at Lewis; he flinched, then gave a grin and made a comment from which I understood that he had been on my side, but might have changed his mind as a result of what Id just said to him.
Victor Lewis Smith in his TV (BBC2?) program at the end of 1993, had a taxi-driver saying, "theyre all out to get me", to which VLS replied, "but you're quite intelligent aren't you?" (what a nice chap VLS is, compliments no less!)
Paul Daniels the TV magician, sometime in 1990-92 (sorry I can't be more precise but it was so long ago), made a "crying face" and put his face in his hands, which was his way of expressing that I was frequently crying in 1990-92, and that he and other media people found my crying funny.
Kenny Everett (deceased) on some talk show, compared me to a "huge
ape" who "scratches himself"; he made some other remarks about what the
"ape" got up to which unfortunately I cant remember. (I remember that
Everetts comments were quite sympathetic and human, but were obviously
about me.)
Stephen Fry on another talkshow (Wogan I think) talking about
"masturbatory fantasies", he then referred to me with the words "you
prat"; I wonder if the studio audience knew what he was talking about and
to whom his comments were directed?
Griff Rhys Jones on Clive James' TV show, made a "lunatic face" (wide fixed grin) to which I said to the TV that he had a "face like a horse's arse", to which Clive James said to GRJ "did you hear that?"
Crimestoppers summer 1990, remarks by a Midlands police officer on the
programme, while Nick Ross was presenter (as far as I can remember). The
officer talked about "in car entertainment". Nick Ross said to officer,
"why don't you stop doing it?" to which he replied, "we can't while he's
like this".
BBC2 Newsnight in autumn 1993 had a piece on football hooliganism. A black interviewee said apparently of the hooligans, but in fact of me; "they're just idiots, carry on with the surveillance".
There was an incident with Jonathan Ross which I remember clearly; he was on both BBC and ITV television at the same time, one (ITV I think) was recorded, the other channel was live. Ross has a speech impediment which causes him to pronounce his "r"s as "w". I sarcastically said something about "Mr Woss" to the recorded channel, then turned over to where he was live, and he repeated "Woss" with heavy emphasis and sarcasm.
On the radio, in spring 1994, Chris Tarrant made a sarcastic remark in his
morning show, saying "he says were trying to kill him, we should be done
for attempted manslaughter", to which another of the studio staff said,
"oh no, dont say that". His comment was in reply to a comparison Id made
the previous evening between my persecutors and the Polish secret police
who murdered dissidents.
Martyn Lewis Denies & Lies, But Wont in Writing
In February 1997 I wrote to BBC Viewer & Listener Correspondence and asked
them to investigate the claim that their newscasters had engaged in
"interactive watching". They replied that they had asked Martyn Lewis and
Michael Buerk whether they had engaged in such practices, and that they
had both made verbal denials to VLC, but were refusing to put their
denials in writing.
I can understand that they might think that if they were to make written denials to me, then many other people with my condition might write to them with similar questions. But Ive asked a couple of journalists if theyve been writing about me, theyve made written denials, Ive believed them, and I have not put their denials on my website because, since I believe their denials, it would not be relevant to publish them.
To me it looks as if Lewis and Buerk are happy to lie verbally but not in writing, because written falsehoods would place them unambiguously in the wrong, whereas they can try to talk their way out of verbal lies if they are ever caught, or perhaps even deny the verbal lies completely? If they lie without shame, then why would they have any shame about future lies about lying?
One of the strangest aspects of "TV watching" is that Buerk and Lewis have convinced themselves that their "interactive spying" is reasonable behaviour. Martyn Lewis thinks of himself as a "gentleman". He expressed in 1992 that he was "on my side". If this matter ever comes out into the open, I wonder what these newscasters will have to say for themselves, and what the British public will make of their behaviour?
Media Persecution Evidence on my Website
You may directly access the Evidence section on my website at URL;
The category currently contains four video segments, a number of audio files and three published articles. The first video of ITN's John Suchet is unfortunately a mistake - after looking at it again it is obviously not about me. The two Ken Clarke excerpts may or may not be about me; it is funny that he should keep on harping about "paranoia" and "madness", but I have given these ratings of only 30% certainty, as it is more likely that they are not about me in particular, and Clarke is simply displaying the normal prejudices against the mentally ill found in much of society.
The piece I find most interesting is the Dimbleby/John Major interview
from April 1997. I have assigned this a 90% rating. Dimbleby starts by
emphasising a report from the "Knutsford Guardian". Major recognizes
what's going on and joins in with a falsely apologetic "heaven
forfend". The emphasis is on the first syllable pronounced "nuts" in
"Knutsford", which is repeated three times. Of course this is hardly
anywhere near convincing evidence; the really clear items were all in
1990-92, and they are basically unobtainable now.
If you're reading the website, have a look at the two files from David Hepworth's programme on GLR radio. The first one from 21/Feb/1997 has him talking about an "embarassment" of prizes and "absolute obscene", in reference I believe to the verbal sexual abuse that was being used against me at the time (and which unfortunately is still current). In the second file dated 9/May/1997 he again talks about "absolute embarrassment" of prizes, followed by laughter. To my mind he knows I am listening to his programme, and deliberately makes these remarks for my benefit, with very little attempt to disguise their purpose.
Bernard Levin - "Fanatic's Fare for the Common Man"
On 21 September 1991 this article by Bernard Levin appeared in The Times. It is reproduced in the Evidence section of the website, or may be accessed directly at URL;
To my mind, Levin's article described the situation at the time and in particular a recent meeting with a friend, during which I for the first time admitted to someone other than my GP that I had been subjected to a conspiracy of harassment over the previous year and a half.
Levin writes about a "madman running loose about London" who "bursts into tears, and swears it is all true. And it is." I am pleased to agree with his assertion that "it is all true" because the truth is what I presented to my friend in September 1991 and it is what is being presented to the readership of these articles now.
The harassment, in particular media persecution, was at its strongest in 1990-92. Today, I am recording everything I watch, read and listen, and the media have pretty much given up. It is now incidents "in public" which make up what there is of MI5s persecution. But much of the material from 1990-92 still exists in archives, although the organisations which have those archives generally wont make the material available to the public, for copyright and other reasons.
MI5 can no longer employ the media to persecute me, partly because journalists now know who is behind the persecution, and also because I would publish any instances. My mistake during 1990-92 was to not record instances as they happened; Ive learned from that mistake, and know better now.
-- Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service ------->>>>>><<<<<<------ Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband AccessReceived on Sun Dec 16 2007 - 07:12:42 CST
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