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Re: dropping tablespaces and datafiles

From: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 12:51:15 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded.
On Dec 7, 2:32 pm, Ben <> wrote:
> Ent Ed AIX5L 64bit
> What would be the best way to drop a dictionary managed tablespace and
> datafiles that has a few segments with somewhere around 1000 extents?
> drop all the objects first then drop tablespace & datafiles?

This appears to be the most logical of your suggested plans, in my opinion. Unless you want/need to preserve the objects (as indicated by your last listed 'option'). Which path is it going to be?

> drop objects, resize datafiles, drop tabspcs & datafiles?

This appears to be the least logical; why would you resize datafiles if you're going to drop them?

> drop tablespace x including contents and datafiles?

Could take a while and could lock up any number of users. And it doesn't preserve the tables if you need to do so.

> truncate objects, drop objects, drop tablespace?

This also makes sense, in some respects, however it may take as long, overall, as the previous suggestion. And it also conflicts with your next suggestion.

> alter table x move new_tbspc, then drop old tbspc?

Are you intending to drop a tablespace with its contents, or preserve the contents and only rid yourself of the DMT? This appears to conflict with the rest of your suggested plans of attack. Have you decided what, exactly, you need the end result to be?

> I'm trying to get our database back up to par after using dmt's for
> the past 5 years and not bothering with extent sizes. This particular
> schema isn't as bad as others when it comes to number of extents. One
> of our schemas has around 7000 segments with 100 of those having over
> 1000 extents and the largest of which having 9000 extents. I found
> that when trying to drop some tables there is indeed a lock that
> blocks other space related ddl from being executed and thus causing
> some session to get hung.
> When using the 'alter table x move' statement, do you get the same
> locking related to uet$ and fet$ as when you drop objects?

Yes, as you are, in essence, dropping and recreating the table.

David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Dec 07 2007 - 14:51:15 CST

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