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Re: some thoughts on OOW 2007

From: Glen <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 22:41:31 GMT
Message-ID: <vio0j.18927$Zn.11063@edtnps90>

DA Morgan wrote:

> Noons wrote:

>> On Nov 19, 1:10 am, hpuxrac <> wrote:
>>> sniperidoo...
>>> The other item receiving time from Larry was the fusion app's
>>> announcements or lack thereof. My own quick take on this was
>>> basically "well we are not yet willing to announce that the fusion app
>>> rewrites of ebiz and other stuff appears to be sliding off the
>>> original schedules ... next question?".
>>> There's some kind of new holding strategy of integration packs where
>>> some subset of existing ERP app functionality points will be
>>> selectively available in fusion ... looks like a treading deep water
>>> approach as best as I understand it.
>> "fusion" was always too near "fiction"
>> for my taste...
>>> Many of the presentation sessions ( as usual unfortunately ) seemed to
>>> be a name game thing. Put something unique in the name of it and try
>>> to fill a room before people catch on.
>> oow is a marketeers paradise. always was, always will be.
>> its main value for techos is the opportunity for networking with
>> their peers. the "unconference" idea might be a germ of
>> something sensible in future, we'll see...
> I don't know where you guys were but material presented during some of
> the sessions was immensely valuable. Larry Carpenter's Data Guard
> presentations, the presentations on 11g Streams, AQ, and RMAN. If you
> missed them you missed some real value. The RAC Pack's sessions too.
> And for the 45,000+ of you that missed Mary Ann Davidson's session in
> the OTN Lounge on the third-floor of Moscone West. C'est dommage. This
> is as close as you'll get. <g>

I found it good, a little overwhelming, but still bearable if one sticks to the things he/she is most interested in. I did have a few instances where I had to choose between a few sessions I wanted to see, and I did find at least one that wasn't much more that a plug for a 3rd party product.

The no slide zone is a great idea, and I wish I had taken some time to visit the OTN lounge more when the unconference was happening.

The sunday night live event was ok, albeit a tad over the top at times. Hearing Larry talk about the companies beginnings first hand was very good, having a loud band playing so you couldn't talk to your neighbor was not so good (especially the cheesy "Oracle always rocks" number at the end)

All in all I found it valuable, but am thinking about giving next years show a pass and taking in the Collaborate event instead.

ps. although I spent even less time out of the conference/hotel confines this year than past, I did manage to go run the Golden Gate in the fog.. Received on Mon Nov 19 2007 - 16:41:31 CST

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