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Re: Help with a command

From: HectorTYC <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 02:05:48 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On 19 Nov, 07:13, Lodewicus Maas <> wrote:
> Rather stay away from using TOAD against a production database - I think
> it is a developer's tool, and I onced worked at a customer where the
> database crashed, and in all trace files spooled at the time of the
> crash, the session responsible for causing the crash was from a TOAD
> user. On following up from OSS, it was mentioned that TOAD had a bug
> which can have this effect on the database - This was against a
> database
> Lodewicus
> Ed Prochak wrote:
> > On Nov 18, 3:53 pm, wrote:
> >> On 18 Nov, 20:42, "shakespeare" <> wrote:
> >>> <> schreef in
> >>>> I have this web based application which hosted on a oracle database.
> >>>> Being an old legacy system, I have no documentation about this
> >>>> application / database e.g data dictionary etc...
> >>>> My approach is that I want to add a new value via the web application
> >>>> and look to see where the entered value appear in which table on the
> >>>> database.
> >>>> Obviously in reality I will need to view all tables hoping to find the
> >>>> value I enter and it could take a life time to do this.
> >>>> Is there any command I can use to acheive this? Say a command that I
> >>>> can use that give me a list of tables with most updated?
> >>>> Many thanks
> >>> If you have TOAD you can monitor the executed statements
> >>> Shakespeare
> >> Hi
> >> I should have mentioned that I dont know much about Oracle at all.
> >> What is TOAD? I think I have SQL Plus installed on my computer and
> >> thats about it.
> >> Please advice
> > My advice would be to get some training or bring in a contractor.
> > (preferably both)
> > All the Oracle manuals are available on their web site, so self
> > training is possible.
> > Ed- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Dear Lodewicus,

Do you have any supporting evidence for this Toad bug other than anecdotal? It could prove very useful for some work I'm involved in. I've googled for it and can find lots of examples of Toad crashing Toad but not of it causing the Oracle DB to crash.


Hector Received on Mon Nov 19 2007 - 04:05:48 CST

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