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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Select count(*) in Oracle and MySQL
On Sep 19, 2:54 pm, Occidental <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 3:24 pm, wrote:
> > On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:40:21 -0700, Occidental
> > <> wrote:
> > >I have a table with about 250M rows, implemented in both Oracle and
> > >MySQL.
> > >Select count(*) in MySQL is effectively instantaneous, presumably
> > >because it accesses some internal count that is maintained by the
> > >DBMS. The same query in Oracle takes about 6 minutes, pretty obviously
> > >becasue it counts rows. The Oracle table should have been set up with
> > >a primary key, but wasn't. The MySQL table has no primary key either.
> > >Any comments?
> > You can keep track of the number of rows by using statistics, but
> > Oracle won't use this number as it may not be accurate.
> > Statistics aren't updated in real time.
> > If you don't have an index Oracle will conduct a full table scan up to
> > the High Water Mark of the table, even if the table is empty.
> > If you do have an index Oracle will conduct an index_fast_full_scan.
> > I would consider the MySQL strategy cheating and potentially dangerous
> > and/or limiting scalability (You can't allow any readers while this
> > statistic is updated). In Oracle readers don't block writers.
> > Why do you need the count(*) anyway?
> > Not to test for existence of a record hopefully?
> > --
> > Sybrand Bakker
> > Senior Oracle DBA
> I need the count(*) because I want to know how many rows there are in
> the table.
> I am not, as the other contributor to the thread implied, trying to
> compare Oracle to MySQL,
My apologies, your post simply read that way in my mind.
> I am simply interested in determining whether
> the long runtime of the Oracle query is normal or reflects some error
> in the installation.
No error in the installation, I expect. The difference is in the engine used, and as stated in another response the MyISAM engine is, well, not a transactional implementation. 250 million rows in an unindexed table requires a table scan to produce a count; that MySQL, in its MyISAM implementation, takes liberties to 'optimize' that leads me to believe the engine may not be as reliable as Oracle. It certainly isn't as robust.
> If MySQL can do it, why not the Oracle?
Because Oracle isn't using MyISAM, Oracle is transactional and Oracle is a far more reliable product not 'optimized' for a lone aggregate query.
> It seems
> rather absurd that a Database Management System does not know at any
> given time how many rows there are in the tables it "manages".
Why should it without statistics? Tables are dynamic entities, for the most part, and transactional activity changes this record count with regularity. Oracle spends its time providing read consistency and a configuration where readers don't block writers and writers don't block readers. MySQL cannot say the same. I'd rather have read consistency over an 'optimized' select count(*) query any day.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Sep 19 2007 - 16:09:48 CDT
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