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Re: SRDF and oracle

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:57:05 -0700
Message-ID: <>

hpuxrac wrote:
> On Sep 18, 1:57 pm, "KCS" <> wrote:

>>> EMC is losing customers out here on a regular basis as their Oracle
>>> support has been marginal at best. I know of two large corporations
>>> that have dropped them this year.
>>> --
>>> Daniel A. Morgan
>>> University of Washington
>>> (replace x with u to respond)
>>> Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
>> ok we will follow oracle (dataguard), since if a disaster happens, we think
>> EMC will not be able to help us recover a database.
>> Thanx Daniel

> Lots of people use SRDF/A for their oracle databases as well as
> MirrorView/A. Dataguard has it's place and time also but so does
> storage based replication both synchronous and asynchronous.
> Here's a couple of things to look up in metalink 708066.992 and
> 132670.1
> Looks like Oracle terminated the program. Notice the words ... Oracle
> and its partners worked together to validate specialized storage
> technology ... At this time Oracle believes these storage technologies
> are well understood by the customers, are very mature, etc ...
> ( geez this has a last update date of today ).
> So bottom line if you choose to do something else it's your choice
> obviously. Don't let EMC bashing from one of the cdos clowns
> interfere with your rational thinking. Go back to the statement made
> in note 708066.992 ....
> Unless you work your way up very far in the talking to people in
> oracle support yes they will tell you "we don't support this, it will
> only be fixed in the next release, this bug affects only certain
> platforms, yada yada". It's the usual dance being performed by people
> that only want to close tickets because that is what they are rated
> on.
> Get someone like the oracle vp ( is it Mark Townsend ? ) or Tom Kyte
> and ask them if many important oracle customers are using that
> technology. You will get a different answer.

A different answer from what?

I just finished teaching a Data Guard class two hours ago.

Some of the students were from a little unimportant company named Boeing. Also in attendance people from an unimportant little company named Nintendo. And still another from a little unimportant company named Deutche Telecom. I was aided in putting the curriculum together by a DBA from an unimportant company named Last month saw implementation by one of the largest French corporations in the US. And in a few weeks we will be helping a publicly traded energy and natural resource firm in the midwest.

Get out of the sun Mr. Hurley.

I won't pretend to speak for either Oracle or its VP's, Townsend and Kyte, but I suspect their experience is no different from mine. Data Guard is mainstream and used by a significant percentage of Oracle's Enterprise customers. It works no matter the operating system or storage vendor. And Oracle support will stand behind the implementation. That can not be said for EMC or any other storage vendor.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 19:57:05 CDT

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