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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> severely disappointed in Oracle Support
I think I made a post a while back after we upgraded to We
had horrible performance issues. Sql plans were the same and had the
same amount of I/O going on, the server just couldn't handle it. Long
story short the only solution we found after 5 weeks of going back and
forth with Oracle support was to double the cpu's in our AIX5L quad
processor machine to an 8 way. This got things back to normal.
Now a couple of weeks later I open up another SR trying to get help in finding out why all the sudden we have quite a few ora-3136 errors. Never had them before the upgrade now within two days we had about 20 of them. That was about two months ago now and the errors were limited to those two days.
So I found that there were some default settings in the listener.ora file that had changed to time out connections if they didn't log in within 60 secs. Support tells me to set tracing on those clients that were receiving the errors. That's fine, now if I only could tell what clients it was.
I ask them how to determine the client and they ask for the alert log and the listener log from that day. They come back with two IP addresses, which were two of our main application servers. I ask them how they came up with those IP addresses and he tells me that they were the only two IP addresses in the listener log. I have an external table of my listener log and a parsing function that I created from something I read on dbazine, so I decided to check that because that didn't sound correct. There were 137 distinct IP addresses in the log. Now I'm waiting to hear back on why he thinks there are only two.
Seems like it's getting harder and harder to get anyone in metalink that can actually help. Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 14:37:32 CDT
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