gazzag wrote:
> On 12 Sep, 04:41, DA Morgan <> wrote:
>> Bob Jones wrote:
>>> You still don't know what you are saying. That's not an advice. That's an
>>> order. Stop talking out of your butt!
>> Everybody in the usenet group is wrong even though many are member of
>> the Oak Table and Oracle Aces and have posted links to case studies
>> that prove their point.
>> You and you alone are correct based purely upon your say so. I am
>> impressed. I tried to find your presentation at OpenWorld but couldn't
>> find any by "anonymous."
>> The last refuge of a scoundrel ... resort to obscenities. Ooooooh I
>> am so impressed. I haven't heard these naughty words in years. If you
>> can use four letter words you must be a real expert. ROFLOL!
>> --
>> Daniel A. Morgan
>> University of Washington
>> (replace x with u to respond)
>> Puget Sound Oracle Users
> Why are we still feeding this troll?
Good point ... I'll killfile this thread. And if does it again killfile
him too.
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Wed Sep 12 2007 - 11:19:09 CDT