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Re: Restoring RMAN backed up archivelogs, datafiles

From: joel garry <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:05:00 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 10, 5:15 am, trub3101 <> wrote:
> Hi Guru's
> Basically, I just need to know whether it is possible to restore data
> backed by RMAN to a database/server other than the database/server it
> was backed up from.
> I ask for two reasons really:
> Archivelogs
> I have two Standby database instances which have stopped working for
> one reason or another I now have a lag in the transported archivelog
> files.
> Can I restore the archivelogs from my RMAN backups of the Primary
> databases to the Standby? If so, how is this done?
> Please bear in mind that the Primary databases reside on a different
> server to their respective Standby databases. I know that I can just
> FTP the files across but I would like to know if this is possible
> using RMAN.
> Restore to Dev database
> Can I restore the RMAN backup to another database other than the
> database it was backed up from?
> For example we have a development database (DEV) that needs
> refreshing. Can I use the RMAN backup of LIVE to do the refresh?
> As earlier the databases reside on different servers. Here are the
> data files.
> Cheers
> TB3101
> LIVE Data Files

It is really important to provide versions, configurations and exactly what you want to do. Certain answers vary. For example, if you are using nocatalog and have taken more recent backups than the ones that have the desired archived logs, in O8 (IIRC) you can play games with crosscheck to fool Oracle, in 10g I think you can use an equivalent of the catalog registration commands, but in O9 you have to use a bunch of undocumented API's and comb painstakingly through RMAN logs to say exactly which backup piece the archived logs are in (see metalink Note: 60545.1, which is unpublished and you have to ask support).

If you are using a catalog it may simply be a matter of telling RMAN the pieces are available and extracting the logs to whereever you desire, there might even be examples in the docs (I haven't looked lately, but seem to recall seeing them).


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Received on Mon Sep 10 2007 - 17:05:00 CDT

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