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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: UNDO Tablespace, and how NOT to use
joel garry wrote:
> so for Daniel to say something should never ever be
> done in Oracle and to blast old stuff in SQL server is actually
> laudable and timely.
And for anyone that doesn't believe me here's a simple lab you can run to prove it to yourself. I run it every year for my students at the university and I make them read it line by line.
onecol NUMBER(1));
ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier = 'drop_table';
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context OFF';
EXIT Now go to bdump/udump (while they still exit in your version of Oracle) and find the trace file. Run it through TKPROF. Here's what it looks like on my machine after copying the file to c:\temp.
c:\temp> tkprof c:\temp\orabase_ora_2736_drop_table.trc c:\temp\trace_output.txt
Enjoy a very long read.
Here's the summary from 11g
1 session in tracefile. 62 user SQL statements in trace file. 288 internal SQL statements in trace file. 350 SQL statements in trace file. 107 unique SQL statements in trace file. 7932 lines in trace file. 4 elapsed seconds in trace file.
And that is with a single column, no synonyms, no indexes, no constraints, no dependent materialized views, no views, no triggers, and without any complicating technology such as replication.
If this looks like a good idea to anyone see your family physician.
-- Daniel A. Morgan University of Washington (replace x with u to respond) Puget Sound Oracle Users Group www.psoug.orgReceived on Mon Aug 06 2007 - 14:00:25 CDT
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