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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: OS Authentication with winXP client Linux Server
On Jul 31, 8:05 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> joel garry wrote:
> > On Jul 31, 3:59 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Jul 31, 8:10 am, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> >>>> wrote:
> >>> Not having the facts and dismissing said facts are two different
> >>> things; you assume the first when the second is the actual situation.
> >>> David Fitzjarrell
> >> Then I'd recommend updating your resume and finding an opportunity
> >> where the management has a different attitude.
> > With an algorithm like that, almost no one would work anywhere.
> > jg
> > --
> > is bogus.
> >
> Some places are worse than others.
> The inevitable outcome of what Joel seems to be describing is that when
> things go terribly wrong (and I am saying WHEN not IF) then he will be
> the one paying the price in unpaid hours under high pressure.
That's why I haven't had a salaried job in 10 years. I was pleasantly surprised when I started doing contracting with overtime. Then I learned the hard way that that can lead to management abuse too. Now that I've gone back to being an independent, there's some protection against that.
> If more people refused to be victimized things would change. If everyone
> just rolls over and says "kick me again" we all get kicked.
Funnily enough, things can (and often do) still manage to work in spite of bad management. Yes, there will be crises, as that is part and parcel of bad management, but that still does not rule out having a smoothly running, well-protected, if perhaps silly at times system. It's been a number of years since I've had to put in extra hours for anything besides hardware failure (planned off-hour upgrades and such I don't consider "extra", just part of this sort of work). The skills are in knowing when to ask forgiveness rather than permission, asscovering (of course), manipulating managers into thinking they have a good idea even though it wasn't theirs, shifting "pressure" onto others, being able to deal with knowing things are just wrong, and planning how to deal when they go terribly wrong. Being mulish has its place, working within the system for positive change is more generally the better choice. From what I've seen, that last statement applies less to larger sites, so perhaps we agree for many cases. For the specific case of securing the intranet from intruders, I certainly agree it is critical, the situation David and Dazza describe is identical to what I've seen, and potentially disastrously wrong in a very fundamental way. I don't have a good answer, sometimes you are stuck saying "it's not my job."
All of these things are very site-specific. Some are beyond hope, some will simply fail, people will be fired, but for the most part everyone seems to stumble through one way or another. Spectacular failures are at least entertaining :-)
-- is bogus. "There aren't any numbers big enough to calculate the odds on that. 1 to a google isn't big enough." - Ralph GarmanReceived on Wed Aug 01 2007 - 12:17:46 CDT
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