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Re: HELP - Oracle Schema Import problem

From: Johne_uk <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:54:59 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On 27 Jul, 13:45, Mark D Powell <> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 3:15 am, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> > Johne_uk wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have 2 identical Solaris servers (freshly installed v490 - dual CPU
> > > 8GB RAM). The OS (Solaris 10) were both installed to an agreed spec by
> > > 2 diff consultants (all disk mirrored and striped).
> > > I created identical 9208 DB instances on both servers (using identical
> > > scripts with only diff being SID names).
> > > I then imported a schema dump (from another db server) on server 1.
> > > This took about 3 hrs.
> > > However, despite an idential setup the second server took up to 3
> > > times longer than the first to import the same export dump (except
> > > this dump was sourced from a Linux db whereas the first was from
> > > another solaris instance)
> > > Im not an expert DBA and in the morning need to start troublesheeting
> > > this performance bottleneck. Could the linux sourced export be the
> > > reason for it being being slower on server 2. No logs etc were
> > > generated whilst importing.
> > > If I rule out using a linux derived export dump AND verify there are
> > > no i/o issues with the Solaris server how would you suggest I proceed
> > > to identify the bottelneck on server 2.
> > > Apologies for the simplistic explanation (there are reasons for using
> > > the Linux export) but I'd appreciate any pointers on how to start
> > > solving this as I'm currently stuck in a hotel room and cant get my
> > > hands on the system until the morning.
> > > Thanks in advance
> > > John
> > Check endian values.
> > --
> > Daniel A. Morgan
> > University of Washington
> > (replace x with u to respond)
> > Puget Sound Oracle Users quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> It is a little unclear in the OP but there were two different export
> files. Are both export files from the same source? If not, or if the
> schema exported was different then the import time difference could be
> just due to the difference in the quantity of data being imported.

Since i posted I have rerun the testing using the same export file derived from a Solaris instance and used for both servers (results same - one takes 3hrs the other still running 12 hrs later). The file is a test application and no data has been added since it was created.

> Other things to check:
> Verify that the OS kernal parameters set are the same

The kernal settings for the OS are identical (/etc/system)

> Verify that the file systems are of the same type and were mounted
> using the same options

File system is identical
I'm having the OS config checked by a unix guy in case there are any other config issues causing the issue i.e. encoding etc.

> Verify that the import parameters especially buffer= were set the same
Import paraneters are identical on both servers (I use a par file)

> NLS, that is, character set conversion might be responsible for some
> time difference but I would not expect this large of a difference.

Charcacter set conversion is interesting - a single table has been importing for 12 hrs now and is full of CLOBS.The DB settings are the same but there may be an OS related issue.

Thanks Mark - I'm inclined to think it could be an OS related issue. Query performance on both boxes is similar and io / memory usage is not excessive. Received on Fri Jul 27 2007 - 08:54:59 CDT

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