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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle JDBC error
On Jul 27, 3:15 am, "John K. Hinsdale" <> wrote:
> On Jul 26, 12:39 am, Peter Ashford <> wrote:
> > I'm getting this error doing an SQL insert:
> > java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name
> > I know there's no invalid names in the insert because I can insert
> > data into the table by hand over sqlplus.
> > I'm using oracle's ojbdc14 jdbc driver and Java 1.6.
> > Any ideas?
> Peter,
> You (or a library you are using) are very likely passing invalid,
> un-parsable SQL to Oracle. Are you using JDBC's
> Connection.prepareStatement()? If so, post the SQL INSERT
> statement you are supplying.
Ok. Thanks for the very fullsome reply, by the way.
Here's the java code for the prepared statement:
PreparedStatement pStmt = db.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO departments ("+ " deptName, schoolName, division, dean, AVC, HOD, admin, adminPhone, adminEmail," + " streetAddress, city, cbCostCentre, cbOHAccountCode, cbOHDisection, comments, " + " schoolLiasonAdmin, dateEntered)" + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?"+ " ?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
Note that I can do an insert like this by hand using SQLPLUS. I can also read / write other tables using the JDBC driver in the same application.
> Oracle, when accessed via JDBC and similar libraries, processes the
> SQL statement in two phases: (1) preparing, where the SQL is
> parsed/compiled and (2) execution, where the SQL is actually run,
> including the substuting of actual values for "bind variable"
> placeholders.
> You are not getting past step one (1) as evidenced by ORA-01745
> which is a parse time error. The use of a reserved word or
> invalid characters in a "colon variable" will trigger this.
> E.g.:
> SELECT :view FROM dual
> or
> SELECT :&^ FROM dual
> Your test in SQL*Plus (probably?) did not use bind variables and
> so is not meaningful for diagnosing the problem.
No, I'd read the description of the ORA error, and it seemed like it didn't apply to me - this is a straight forward insert. There *is* a trigger to insert a unique id which uses a ":" variable in the database definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trg_departments_insert
BEFORE INSERT ON departments
...but I thought that was pretty harmless. I use the same kind of code for all my tables' uids.
> Pls. post that SQL!
Done. Thanks again for all your feedback. Received on Thu Jul 26 2007 - 18:59:58 CDT
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