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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Recovery Question
Thanks to everybody who has replied sensibly and tried to help. I tried to explain why backups were not used - there is no point in wasting time implementing RAID when this is merely throw away data - I just wanted to experiment and see what I could actually do instead of having to recreate the schemas and re-import the data.
There are some people who clearly believe that helping anybody properly is beneath them - I feel sorry for those people, maybe you are just having a bad day as there are 2 of you ( and I am sure you know who you are ) who I see helping people very frequently - I think you always give good advice and I believe that you have helped me in the past so I am not sure why sarcasm/pretentiousness got the better of you today.
Daniel - I cannot see how your post is an attempt to help in the
slightest - if you have time to waste lecturing people on good
practice, or trying to make them look stupid then please feel free -
this is not how you usually respond but clearly my post annoyed you.
Reading books will always help but sometimes there are things that
need to be asked of people with the experience - if all they can do is
criticise then I wish they would not bother as this merely impedes on
the learning process.
I don't particularly want to make enemies in here, as most people are
very helpful most of the time!
Anyway, if anybody ever needs to do this then this is what I have done in order to sort this out:
This worked for me, I expect only because the DB was closed at the time!
Thanks again to everyone for their information!
Paul Received on Mon Jul 23 2007 - 11:06:40 CDT
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