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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Timestamp Fractional Seconds
First, it should be pointed out that solaris sparc is big endian, and
windows pc's are little endian.
I am up to IBM Smalltalk now, which runs on both machines. The sql statement executed was (the table is in the first msg.):
Select * From tt where id = 1
. . . it was prepared and executed the normal way using OCI functions. The bytes returned were:
AbtForeignOSObject [15] {
*AbtForeignOSObject {[1]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[0]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[0]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[0]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[120]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[107]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[5]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[21]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[11]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[24]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[46]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[7]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[84]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[212]}
*AbtForeignOSObject {[192]}}
. . . the code to convert the above bytes to a date is:
date := (Date
newDay: (data uint8At: (baseOffset + 3)) month: (Date nameOfMonth: (data uint8At: (baseOffset + 2))) year: ((((data uint8At: (baseOffset + 0)) - 100) * 100) + ((data uint8At: (baseOffset + 1)) - 100)) ). time := (Time new hours: (( data uint8At: ( baseOffset + 4 )) - 1 ) minutes: (( data uint8At: ( baseOffset + 5 )) - 1 ) seconds: (( data uint8At: ( baseOffset + 6 )) - 1 ) ).
. . . baseOffset is 4, which is '120' in the above bytes. The fractional seconds are obtained by reversing the last four bytes, '7, 84, 212, 192' and reading them as a word (32-bits).
-g Received on Thu Jul 12 2007 - 12:53:55 CDT
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