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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: SQL Book Recommendation
On Jul 5, 3:30 pm, J <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've done some searching on the forum/group here and I'm having a hard
> time trying to find a book that suits my needs. I'm looking for a
> book that I can use/reference to find how to use all of the various
> SQL commands in Oracle. I've had prior experience in Transact-SQL in
> my last job writing against a MS SQL Server. The book that I found
> and love is "The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL" by Ken Henderson. This
> book, IMHO, is the best, definite guide on how to query a database.
> Link here:
> I'm trying to find this same book for Oracle, but I'm not sure if one
> exists. What I'm not looking for is a book that teaches you the
> administrative side of an Oracle server/db, database tuning, etc. I'm
> looking for a book that teaches all of the SQL commands (select,
> insert, pivot tables, subquerying, etc), how they work, and what the
> syntax is.
> Is there anything out there that has this?
> Thanks
> Jeff
My recommendation to you is to start with Tom Kyte's new book "Expert Oracle Database Architecture".
I think you will be selling yourself short and not using oracle as it is designed to be used if you only concentrate on syntax and don't begin at square one.
Learn the architecture and how to develop and design scalable systems first. Take a look at syntax for sql and plsql once you have read Tom's book cover to cover a couple of times.
There are several followup books but that is the place to start.
All of the syntax is covered pretty well in the free oracle documentation from ...
An alternative but not as highly recommended ( from me anyhow ) is to start with the oracle concepts manual.
Get familiar with Tom's site and the questions and answers in it.
There's a fairly steep learning curve with oracle if you want to do things well. Don't underestimate how much learning needs to be done. Received on Thu Jul 05 2007 - 16:46:55 CDT
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