Marshall wrote:
> On Jul 1, 11:55 am, DA Morgan <> wrote:
>> incompetent < mediocre < average < good < proficient < expert
>> Most people, in any field of endeavor are average. That is the meaning
>> of the word.
> I see. So it is your contention then, that if I had a table of people
> and their associated ability, rated according to your six point
> scale above, and I wanted to know which these was the most
> common, that I would use avg() to find out? Or is it perhaps
> the case that "average" can mean different things, like,
> say, "proficient" does?
>> Daniel A. Morgan
>> University of Washington
>> (replace x with u to respond)
>> Puget Sound Oracle Users
> It is amazing to me that someone who touts his association
> with a university in every post appears to believe that
> product training is the overarching technical accomplishment
> that one might aspire to. Indeed, you don't even seem to
> acknowledge the existence of any other kind of achievement.
> Are we to assume that your role at the University of
> Washington is that you are their DBA? Or should we
> instead assume that a degree from the University of
> Washington is designed to maximize one's investment
> in Oracle products?
> Shall you now challenge me to stand at a podium
> and recite trivia? Can I choose my own area of
> trivia, because I would prefer movies over Oracle
> 10g, since I enjoy the former and have no interest
> in the latter. Certainly if I can tell you who starred
> in this movie or that, or can recite backstage
> anecdotes or quotes from interviews, it means
> I have a tremendous aesthetic sense, right?
> For what else is there in life but the memorization
> of large numbers of accidental consequences
> of man-made artifacts? Doctors, mathematicians,
> scientists, etc., what good are they? The lawyer
> is the only one who is truly proficient in understanding
> the natural world.
> Marshall
It is my contention that words have meaning and that one
can discern that meaning by looking into a book called a
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Tue Jul 03 2007 - 12:29:28 CDT