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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Career questions: databases
On Jul 2, 11:32 pm, "Neil" <> wrote:
> >> I think the point was that some felt that you were full of cow excrement
> >> for
> >> putting those things on your resume. So, the question is: at what point
> >> can
> >> one put things on one's resume? Does one have to be expert in a
> >> technology
> >> in order to put it on one's resume? Or does a proficiency in some areas
> >> of a
> >> technology warrant putting it on one's resume?
> > I don't care to what extent others might stoop to and it's clearly not
> > my problem. I have questions and I'll try my best to get my answers.
> > I'm not here to make friends with people so that they'll invite me
> > over for a cup of tea. Since most people around here are more bothered
> > with levels of proficiency and who the upstart I might be, here's the
> > questions again:
> I think you're taking it all wrong (and making too much of yourself, to be
> honest with you). DA Morgan gave you some advice based on his experience,
> with the intent of helping you. At the end he wrote, "Lists like this create
> an immediate negative impression except in
> HR departments staffed by former shoe salesmen. <g>" He was trying to give
> you some friendly advice to help you be successful with your resume. The
> conversation then snowballed into an abstract discussion about what is or
> isn't proficiency.
> No one here really cares if you're proficient or not. We don't think you're
> an "upstart." You're just a guy posting in a newsgroup. No one is threatened
> by you. This whole discussion was not about you at all. It was about what is
> or isn't proficiency, in general, not about whether or not you're
> proficient. No one really cares if you're proficient. It doesn't affect us
> at all.
> So I think you need to take yourself a little less seriously, if you want
> some friendly advice.
> >>>(okay, I'll buy it but I don't have a credit card
> >>>so even if I had the money it would still be
> >>> unattainable)
> >> Open a PayPal account. Then you can obtain it.
> > Read: "even if I had the money". I.e., I don't. Sorry to disappoint in
> > so many areas.
> I did read that. But I think you were taking the "woe is me" thing a bit too
> far by saying that "even if you had the money" you couldn't buy it because
> you "don't have a credit card." I was showing you that you can buy over the
> Internet without a credit card if and when you ever get the money. Just
> correcting your false statement that you wouldn't be able to buy it "even if
> you had the money."
> >> So much is on the web these days. And with Google Books, it's just
> >> growing
> >> by the minute.
> > Sure, but you should come and checkout the bandwidth over here. Again,
> > sorry to disappoint.
> Listen, you're not disappointing! Why would I be disappointed? Like my life
> is wrapped around whether or not you have bandwidth?? Amazing.
> Anyway, yes, you're at a disadvantage. I realize that. But people do get by
> with disadvantages. It might take you longer to browse. Or you might have to
> download what you're going to read or wait for it to buffer. A little more
> difficult, but doable.
> > With so many drawbacks I'm mentioning, and with
> > the persistence that I am consistently asking the questions only
> > prove: I'm desperate, I really want to find my line. Might no seem a
> > complex problem to many, but for me it's an issue that might turn
> > around my life.
> Here's my advice to you: get out there and do something. Once you start
> doing something related to programming, you'll find other stuff to do, and
> other stuff to do. And wherever you work, they'll probably have technical
> resources available for you to use and (gasp!) maybe higher bandwidth, etc.
> Just get out there and do something, and doors will open (if you're half as
> good as you say you are, that is... ;-) ).
> None of us started out saying, "OK, I'm going to specialize in this and that
> and that. And I'm going to learned these technologies and then use them for
> the next 10 years." None of us did. What we did do is get out there and
> start using the technologies that we knew, and, from there, learned more
> technologies. Just get out there and start doing something. :-)
> >> A word of advice: I hope you can code more succinctly than you write!
> >> (Just
> >> kidding.....)
> > Nah, I don't, unfortunately. I have 3 books and over hundreds of
> > articles published.
> Well there you go. So you should be able to find a job. If you can't, then I
> don't know what to say.
> Neil
On Jul 2, 11:32 pm, "Neil" <> wrote:
> I think you're taking it all wrong (and making too much of yourself, to be
> honest with you). DA Morgan gave you some advice based on his experience,
> with the intent of helping you.
Mate, all throughout this thread I have been repeating that I at most have intermediate skills compared to guys like Morgan. If that holds, how could I have ever made too much of myself? I don't think you're making sense here.
I think the point was that some felt that you were full of cow
for putting those things on your resume.
> He was trying to give
> you some friendly advice to help you be successful with your resume.
Sure he was, but then again somebody once said, "I think the point was that some felt that you were full of cow excrement for putting those things on your resume".. I wonder who he was referring to.
> No one here really cares if you're proficient or not. We don't think you're
> an "upstart." You're just a guy posting in a newsgroup. No one is threatened
> by you.
You're making me laugh here. How could you even bring up the "threatening" part? Info: one can't obviously appear aggressive or threatening if he's humbly saying over and over again that he's at best a mediocre in your trade.
>This whole discussion was not about you at all. It was about what is
> or isn't proficiency, in general, not about whether or not you're
> proficient. No one really cares if you're proficient. It doesn't affect us
> at all.
Alas, that is how things become. I started the thread to get some questions answered and look at the truckpile of Shit (thanks Bob!) I came up with. As I point out, I'm not proficient, and though whether you guys might or might not be proficient doesn't really affect me either I have always been respectful of your skill. On my end, I've only wanted to find ways to increase my proficiency.
> So I think you need to take yourself a little less seriously, if you want
> some friendly advice.
Omigosh, now I'm repentant. Why didn't I brag about lecturing in podiums and brandish challenges so that I could get away with it? Shit, I never learn. As for friendly advice, I'm done with it. If this is how techno-nerds are, there should be more people in the world preaching religion or at least offer free counseling.
> I did read that. But I think you were taking the "woe is me" thing a bit too
> far by saying that "even if you had the money" you couldn't buy it because
> you "don't have a credit card."
Clarification doesn't necessarily mean "woe is me". I'm not asking for your sympathy. As I said, I'm desperate to learn, and you have seen how persistent I have been on that issue in my posts. In other words, I might need your advice, but definitely not your sympathy.
>I was showing you that you can buy over the
> Internet without a credit card if and when you ever get the money. Just
> correcting your false statement that you wouldn't be able to buy it "even if
> you had the money."
Oh I'm sorry. You got me here. Ever heard of Google?
> Listen, you're not disappointing! Why would I be disappointed? Like my life
> is wrapped around whether or not you have bandwidth?? Amazing.
Thanks, you're understanding at last. Now you should realize it works the same way with me.
> Anyway, yes, you're at a disadvantage. I realize that. But people do get by
> with disadvantages. It might take you longer to browse. Or you might have to
> download what you're going to read or wait for it to buffer. A little more
> difficult, but doable.
I'm here. I'm here reaching out to experts over a forum. Don't you think I know what to do regarding giving effort?
> Here's my advice to you: get out there and do something. Once you start
> doing something related to programming, you'll find other stuff to do, and
> other stuff to do. And wherever you work, they'll probably have technical
> resources available for you to use and (gasp!) maybe higher bandwidth, etc.
> Just get out there and do something, and doors will open (if you're half as
> good as you say you are, that is... ;-) ).
This is the only part that truly addresses my condition. Thank you for being so informative. Now I realize, instead of having come to this forum I should have tried out Yahoo! Answers or the sorts.
> resources available for you to use and (gasp!) maybe higher bandwidth, etc.
> Just get out there and do something, and doors will open (if you're half as
> good as you say you are, that is... ;-) ).
You're desperately under the wrong impression that I'm begging you for sympathy or probably even asking you to buy me bandwidth. I asked questions because I couldn't find any answers in my context. Anyway, not your problem and not a word more on this.
>What we did do is get out there and
> start using the technologies that we knew, and, from there, learned more
> technologies. Just get out there and start doing something. :-)
By saying that credit card facilities, lack of resources and bandwidth, etc, etc, I was only trying to explain that technologies aren't really that easy to learn in these parts. Again, not to be misinterpreted as sympathy-begging.
> Well there you go. So you should be able to find a job. If you can't, then I
> don't know what to say.
My God! When did I ever say that I'm unemployed? Similarly, when did I ever say, omigosh, I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best?
No wonder the world has come to this.
Over and out.
Received on Mon Jul 02 2007 - 17:11:16 CDT
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