joel garry wrote:
> On Feb 24, 5:30 am, "Cimode" <> wrote:
>>On 23 fév, 22:33, "jgar the jorrible" <> wrote:
>>>>In what RAM would be less physical than HD ? For any reason, an
>>>>absurdity is an absurdity.
>>>Not an absurdity, you just aren't paying attention to how the I/O is
>>So you say there are *ways* to count IO's. Fair enough. Question is:
>>what has the way of counting IO's has any bearing on the media that
>>supports them and therefore qualifies their nature as physical or
>>logical? What is the difference: speed?
>>Physical IO means that IO have some physical inmemory/hd counterpart
>>while logical IO mean *no media* at all as a prerequisite.
>>>From Oracle's point of view, if the desired data exists in
>>>Oracle's buffers, that is a logical I/O.
>>As I said, I am well aware of ORACLE brainwashing over its troops.
>>ORACLE succeded to convince the audience of practictionners that RAM
>>(call it cache if you want) = logical. One of Larry Ellison
>>*contribution* to the field of database technology. Reading and
>>educating yourself in RM will help you see the absurdity in that. (See
>>rule of indepedence netween logical and physical layer)
>>[Snipped Description of process - thanks for the pedagogic intent
>>>Now, you are welcome to think it is better to be more simple than that
>>>and just say RAM I/O is the same as HD, but that sounds patently
>>>absurd to me. Perhaps you have a better way of distinguishing the
>>It sounds absurd because Larry Ellison has brainwashed people like you
>>(no disrespect meant) *not* to think otherwise to boost up his
>>products sales and bank account. Read books written by knowledgeable
>>audiences about RM and you will see what I am refering to.(was in your
>>shoes once long ago;)) A few good books to read that may help...
> F'n Pascal? "no disrespect?" HAHAHA
> When were you in my shoes? Do you realize I was awarded "Go Oracle
> user of the month" for standing up to him 15 years ago (when he was
> unfairly maligning some poor guy who's management stuck him with some
> usual product). Kinda scary that some people still remember that,
> though.
I find your reply ironic. Do you understand the concepts of
conditioning, positive reinforcement and "shaping" ?
I have known Fabian for about 15 years, and I have yet to see him
unfairly malign anyone. Although, I have witnessed mob after mob attack him.
Received on Mon Feb 26 2007 - 20:28:09 CST