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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-07445 in Alert.log
> Errors in file /pro/app/oracle/admin/KLEI/udump/klei_ora_16711.trc:
> ORA-07445: Exception aufgetreten: CORE Dump [evaopn2()+209] [SIGSEGV]
> [Address n
> ot mapped to object] [0x0] [] []
a user session crashed, probably due to a kernel bug. Do you use latest patchset for your instance ? out-of-the-CD binaries are plagued by bugs, you NEED a patchset to run an Oracle DB Prod, elsewhere ...
Can you narrow the search by tracing in your application which piece of code leads to this crash ?
good luck,
Patrice Castet
Sr Oracle DBA
Received on Thu Aug 31 2006 - 09:12:24 CDT