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You need to look at leading(), with a full batch of hints. In the example you give something like:
/*+ leading (X, v1.B, v1.a) use_hash(v1.b) use_hash(v1.a) */ from
Possibly with a swap_join_inputs() or no_swap_join_inputs() to control which data sets become the build and probe sets on the hash joins.
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals <> wrote in message on Tue Aug 22 2006 - 17:25:03 CDT
>> >
>> Look up 'Specifying global table hints' in the Performance Tuning
>> Guide.
>> Jaap.
> Thanks for the feedback - I've been playing around with global
> hints....
> I can get a very basic example working but what I want is subtley
> different.
> Global hints allow me to influence a join method for a table inside a
> view, but what I want to do is to influence the optimizer to use a HASH
> join when joining to a table which is merged into the top level query.
> e.g. the view joins table A and table B, and the calling (outer) query
> joins table X and the view. Table B is merged into the outer query so
> I want to get the optimizer to join table X to table B via a HASH join.
> I can't seem to get this to work via a global hint.
> Do you know if this is achievable...?
> Matt