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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> RMAN question, wont backup archive logs because some are not there.
I'm (albeit) slowly changing from my tried & true OS backups to RMAN,
and have set up a 9i database via oem console to backup full database
and archivelogs, with a retention policy to delete archivelogs that have
been backed up twice. Looking at the history of the job it says failed,
it looks like the database backed up fine, but because I had to delete
old archivelogs on a weekly basis for disk space reasons the part of the
rman job that backs up archive logs looks like it fails because it is
looking for logs that are no longer there. I do have a copy of them in a
zip archive on another machine, but restoring them is no easily doable
because of disk space (lack thereof)
I was thinking about deleting the records of the logs that arent there anymore from v$archived_log, but read somewhere once that this view should not be tampered with.
What else can I do to fix this RMAN job so that it starts to backup archive logs and then deletes them after X backups? I'm not that familiar with the RMAN syntax, and nothing in the OEM wizards seem to address this.
tia Received on Sun Aug 13 2006 - 23:05:48 CDT